Bhole, Inc. v. Shore Investments


Oral Argument
03/13/13 – 03/13/13


In this oral argument before the Delaware Supreme Court, the issues on appeal were whether the Trial Judge committed legal error regarding Alexander J. Pires, Jr.'s personal liability for tortious interference with Shore Investments, Inc.'s lease with Bhole, Inc. by relying upon inapposite law and whether Mr. Pires’ actions were protected by the Restatement Section 770 and affiliate privileges. Shore filed a lawsuit in the Superior Court against Mr. Pires, Bhole and other defendants on September 10, 2009, alleging that Bhole breached its lease with Shore, and that the defendants conspired to tortiously interfere with Shore’s lease with Bhole and business expectations. In a Post-Trial Opinion issued November 28, 2011, the Trial Judge found in favor of Shore on the breach of lease claim and on its tortious interference with lease claim.


The Superior Court's judgment was affirmed in part and reversed in  part, and the case was  remanded  for  further  proceedings. Jurisdiction was not retained.



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