In this Engle Progeny tobacco litigation proceeding, plaintiff Carolyn Hiott (personal representative of the estate of Kenneth Hiott) alleged R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company of fraudulent concealment of dangers of smoking cigarettes manufactured by the company, which led her husband Kenneth Hiott to get addicted to smoking and also alleged the company of being liable of manufacturing defective cigarettes which caused Mr. Hiott lung cancer and resulted in his death in 1996.
The plaintiff was represented by attorneys Janine Pollack, Peggy Wedgworth, Melissa Nafash, John McFarlane and Joshua Vinik. The defendant in this case, R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co was represented by attorneys Kevin Boyce, Katrina Kaseldine, Edward Carter and David Reeves.
Compensatory Damages Of 1,825,000 awarded during phase 1. No punitive damages awarded.
![]() | 00:29:20 | Witness Direct Examination | Caseldine, Katrina | Hiott, James | Transcript Reading |
Recording Disclaimer: This proceeding was recorded in full.